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O'Malley's Descent
Chapter II
The Whistler

continued from chapter I: The Wake Up Call

This was the ninth one O’Malley had seen. And it still shook him to the core.
Pretty. Young. Female. Just like the rest. This one had been strangled with what looked like a dish towel. And those eyes. That expression of utter horror and desperation.
There was no doubt. It was The Whistler.
The killings had started about 4 months back. After the fourth one they started calling it “serial”. Some wise guy came with a name. The Whistler.
The modus operandi was always the same. Pretty young girls. Picked up and murdered. Strangled, by a variety of common household items like clothesline, fishing reel, and electric cords. But what set this guy apart from the other 100 freaks that lurked in the shadows of Poison Bay at night, was that this guy was clean. Clean as a whistle. Hence the name. There was no logic in choosing the victims. There was never left anything left behind at the crime scene. No hair, no semen, no blood and no DNA. No fingerprints. Nothing traceable at all. It was a mystery why he did it really. It wasn’t sexual. He didn’t rape or assault the girls. He didn’t rob them. But O’Malley thought he knew. It was those eyes. Like they had stared into the Devil himself. Wide open, the face contorted in shock. As if all their nightmares had come true at once. That’s what got him off.
How many have you had O’Malley?” said Jane. That woman looked perfect even at this hour. Cold and unfazed.
Just need some coffee.” O’Malley muttered, “You said we had a lead.”
“Yes we do. Couple of kids were lurking around trying to find a car to strip when they saw Miss Prom Queen here getting abducted. It was from across the road so didn’t see much. Just a struggle as some guy pulled her into a car and sped off. But they got the license plates. Our boys ran the registration and came up with some guy with a pretty solid criminal record. Couple of assault charges as well. They are moving in on his house right now.” Jane looked at his watch.
Moments later the radio crackled.
“We got him.” said Jane after ending the call “Eduardo Sanchez. Sleeping like a baby. And they found some pretty decent evidence as well. And Coke.
O’Malley stiffened. But just for a moment “Call them back. Ask them to put him in interrogation. But nobody touched him or even talks to him before I get there.”

“I need 5 minutes in a dark room” O’Malley said as he charged in to the ante-room.
Chief Quinn was leaning against the edge table, staring through the two way mirror at the solitary figure in the next room. The solitary figure, was a dark skinned man who sat perfectly still oblivious to O’Malley and Quinn. Or maybe not.
“Not likely.” Replied Quinn. Quinn was a bald middle aged man of generous proportions. He looked like your favourite uncle. But there was steel in his voice which few people dared to argue with.
“4 then.” O’Malley persisted.
Quinn was having none of it. “I am not cleaning up the blood from the walls again. You crossed the line last time O’Malley. I’m not going there again.”
“Firstly. I cleaned the blood. Secondly. You’re forgetting that it worked. I had a confession in 6 minutes flat. This is probably the biggest case we have ever handled. And you can't give me 4 minutes?”
There was a long pause as the two men glared at each other.
“3 minutes” Quinn conceded.

continued.... "Chapter III: A Dark Room"

9 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    cool plot...are xi and o'malley looking for the same guy? is the whistler an employee of the church?? Cant be that simple can it?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    nice story... the first one I read from this blog.

  3. Blogger erebus 

    absolutist: Muhahahaha... things are n ot nealry that simple... trust me on this...

    shobhik: These are actually chapters of a longer story... try to break it up into bite sized bits... big enough to satisfy, short enough to keep one interested.
    But if you are jsut sarting to read, I would encourage you to read it from the beginning... atleast skim over it..
    There are tow stories happening in parallel now... "O'Malley's descent" & "the path of Xi"... the church of the infinite night was a bit of background info... you'll see how it fits in...

    I should actually set up links... so that one can navigate around teh stories easily

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey erebus!
    must say I like your style of writing!...can't wait for the next chapter!!....do you do some research of your background info?

    I love the graphics you add to each chapter!It makes it more interesting!...the graphics are done by you or you've just copy-pasted?....if it is then i might add that you've done a good job on it..coz it doesn't look like a copy-paste job !

  5. Blogger erebus 

    I haven't really done any concious research. But I have been planning these stories for some years now so I do know what I'm doing I guess. Poison Bay is a kinda dystopia. A somewhat fantasy land... so standard rules don't apply... everything's larger and more dramatic and less realistic... so some lack of research can be excused right?
    The graphics... my initial idea was to make a graphics novel... not just a story... this is a kind of cheap, pulp fiction where there used to be books with black and white, cartoony drawings on every other page. The drawings would take the story forward as well as the text. Unfortunately, I am not a great artist... even if I were I don't have the time to make the illustrations.. so I am doing it half assed... basically grabbing photographs, photoshoping them and giving them that "drawing" look... Xi... is actually a friend of mine... hope she doesn't find out! O'Malley... he's the actor Dominic Purcell...
    The first picture "welcome to Boisen Bay" I made with Coreldraw....
    Anyway... enjoy!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well it's all shaping all well!!...
    lol! i knew O'Malley looked familiar!!....now i know just why!!

    yea, even i was thinking about those illustrated books!..knnnow what you mean..

    all i can say is...pls keep at it coz we are hungry for more!!!...

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    meant to say "it's all shaping up well"!!.....guess you get the drift!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    talking of being created with coreldraw, the first picture of is pretty awesome. you want me to do some sketches for xi? i'm having a lot of nothing-to-do time in hand these days, can do the sketches and email them to you. i know i'm not great... and the photo in my blog is seriously out-of-proportion, if nothing worse... but at least you'll run less risk of being beaten up by your friend :P

    no seriously. what do you say?

  9. Blogger erebus 

    WOW mandy! You seriously want to do that? That'd be just awesome. You actually made that cat drawing? It's good.... bloody good. DIdn't look out of proprtion to me... but even it is... fair enough... everything about Poison Bay is out of proportion anyway.
    My email is balarka@iinet.net.au

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