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The Path of Xi
Chapter I

Screamer or Moaner?

Big Eddie cursed himself for not having seen her sooner. A girl that in Philli’s had to stand out. But still he hadn’t seen her. But now that he had, he was taking it all in. Slowly.
At first, he could only see her back. She was sitting up at the bar, on a stool. Wearing this gorgeous backless red dress. Her thick black hair was tied up tied on her head, with needles holding it together. And then a small graceful neck and the gorgeous pale white expanse of her back. Framed in red, tapering down, forming an arrow tip pointing to the earth. Her back mesmerized Big Eddie. He just sat there watching the well formed muscles flexing ever so delicately as she made small movements of swirling her drinking and taking tiny sips. It was like watching ripples on the river on a moonlit night.
She was tiny. Almost like a child. But that’s how Eddie liked them. A girl like that, at a joint like Philli’s. Could only mean two things. Either she was waiting for her boyfriend. Or….
Eddie had to try his luck. He abandoned his pool game, and moved his enormous 6 foot 4, 130 kilo fat, ugly frame to the stool next to hers.
“Hey sweetheart”
She turned her head, just slightly. He could see her now. She was Asian. But unlike most Asians Eddie knew, she had this enormous eyes. What eyes. Black as the night. Long eyelashes stretching away into nothingness.
She wasn’t just beautiful. She was beauty herself.
“Can I buy you a drink, Miss. Or is someone looking after you already?”
The girl pushed away the clear liquid she had been toying with.
“Champagne,” she told the bartender “A good one.”
The bartender was shocked. It was not everyday that someone ordered champagne at Philli’s. Fast Eddie winked at him, and slid a 50 across the counter.
“You have expensive tastes Missy.”
“I do”, she replied. Not really looking at him anymore. “Do you?”
“I do too.” Eddie knew where this was going. “But exactly how expensive are we talking?”
“Pretty expensive. Depends on what you want to taste.”


Five minutes they were in the alley behind Philli’s. Shielded from the main road by an empty dumpster. Under a dim street lamp that tried in vain to illuminate the place.
Eddie had his back on the wall. The tiny Asian beauty was all over him. God! What was she doing? She was like a python coiling up around her prey. Trying to suck the very life out of him with her mouth. Her legs were wrapped tight around Eddie’s waist. That was the only way she could reach her face to his. Her hands moved incessantly across his back, and around his neck, and under his arms. Like poison ivy wrapping an enormous column, her fingers like roots digging in, letting go. All the while her mouth moving quickly and surely. Kissing, rubbing, pressing. Her tongue flicking inside his mouth every now and then giving him a taste of that expensive champagne.
Her perfume. There was something about her perfume. It wasn’t overpowering. It was delicate and fragile. Just like her. Too subtle for a hooker’s perfume. Something about her was bothering Eddie. Something was not quite right. Maybe she was a thief. Maybe she would go for his wallet. All the better. Then he would have an excuse to do with her what he really wanted.
Suddenly she stopped. She took a breath.
And then she asked “Are you a screamer or a moaner?”
What a strange question. Especially for a chick to ask. Big Eddie was surprised. “I don’t know.”
She smiled at him. A huge red smile like a bloody crescent moon. First time he had seen her smile actually. And she said;
“Let’s find out then.”
And then it started. The tiny girl pressed her feet against the wall and raised her body in a strange orgasmic arch. Eddie couldn’t guess what was happening but he felt this enormous pressure building in his armpits, where the girl still held him in a strange grip.
But it was only momentary.
The next thing Eddie heard was sickening cracking noise. Two noises actually at almost the same time. And his body convulsed from pain. It felt like a lightning bolt had run up his spine and exploded inside his head, snapping his torso into two.

Big Eddie found out that he was a screamer after all.

to be continued....

2 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm impressed. Really impressed.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    the title is pretty misleading!

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